I’m a feisty soul and spiritual mentor who believes that our feelings are good and that guilt can be good too.
Go ahead, you can laugh at me but over the last 10 years I’ve been working with guilt and really understanding it from a mindful place. Turning it on its head and looking at how it can be good for me.
Let’s talk about good guilt today: the stuff that motivates us in life.
-Guilt is a feeling that makes us feel awful in the pit of our stomach and in our hearts.
-It warns us that something about our behavior is not working.
-It’s not about who we are. It’s about our actions, our behavior, and the choices we’ve made.
The cool thing about this is it means I have all the power. I can transform guilt. I can take guilt from being something that feels yucky to something that actually allows me to create something new in my life.
Here’s an example:
I’m a mother, an entrepreneur, I have my own hobbies and I have two high needs kids–needless to say, I used to forget things a lot.
I offered myself a lot of self-compassion but boy did I feel guilty because my three-year-old (at the time) would be looking at me say, “mummy how could you forget?”
OUCH, like a knife of guilt to the gut (3rd chakra).
And then I would add piles more guilt…”oh yeah Casey how could you forget”.
When I gave myself some space, I learned that I forget because I’m was so busy and overwhelmed.
So I do the strategies that I teach my clients:
I get back into my focus, into my own business and into the mindful moment of now.
Once in my own business it’s clear to me that I want to honor and stay in my integrity and meet the needs of my kids.
So I write it down.
I know that sounds like an obvious thing to do but sometimes when you’re busy and overwhelmed you don’t always think of the most obvious things to do.
So writing it down for me was a huge thing to learn and it required self discipline because I wanted to just keep going and be spontaneous but I also realized I wanted to stop feeling guilty.
So with just that little act of writing stuff down I could and did remember more. And that was awesome!
The interesting thing was that even if I still couldn’t do the task, having it written down alleviated almost all of my guilt because I could say, “look sweetie, I have it on my list, today got really busy so I’m gonna move it forward and try and do it tomorrow.”
Can you come up with strategies to alleviate some of the good guilt that you have been avoiding?
Maybe it’s recycling or going on a date night with your partner or cleaning the house or playing with your kids or or or…Make a list of 3 things that cause you “good” guilt and change them today. If you need accountability leave a comment and let me know what you are going to do! I will cheer you on 🙂
Interested in more on good guilt? Check out my latest video here!
Hope this series on guilt is helping you
stop suffering and live your life!
I am drafting the years themes now and want to know what you need to or want to know!!! Do you have burning questions on any of the following topic? Leave a comment and let me know!
Looking forward to helping you stop suffering and live your life!!
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