8 easy to learn acupressure points that support you through the physical and emotional experience of pregnancy, labour and postpartum.
What you'll get:
Videos and diagrams to use before and during labour through your cell phone with the Kajabi app or on your computer!
PDF handouts of the acupressure point location and uses
3 quick and efficient videos to help you during labour:
(we have designed videos that are kinda like football plays and you have access right on your phone through the kajabi app)
Longer more detailed videos so you can understand the concepts behind the points
Up close videos ensure you will confidently find the right spots (I have you covered)
Being able to do the points on yourself (Yup, I made videos on this too)
Plus the 3 bonus courses:
1. How to use your B.R.A.I.N.S. for when shit hits the fan
A video to help deal with any new facts or challenges that come up during pregnancy, labour and postpartum
2. R.R.P.N. wisdom for the birther and support person
A simple strategy to keep you grounded before, during and after labour
3. Yoni Yoga for Beginners
This is gentle yoga instruction to help your yoni or pelvic floor recover from birth and pregnancy~ not a work out… So don’t be afraid that you are going to be unable to get through it… If I can do it, anyone can!
You can start the class immediately: anytime, anywhere after 36 weeks of pregnancy!
- Only recommended for pregnant people who are at least 36 weeks or later into their pregnancy
- WARNING: Starting these points sooner, before the 36th week of pregnancy, could put the pregnant person and the baby in great danger.
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