Hate Deep Breaths?

Me too.

Let me share with you my 3 little questions that can be used in place of taking 10 deep breaths. Applied Mindfulness at its finest. I'll have you back in the moment and living your life in a few minutes.

Free video course with PDF cheatsheet

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"I wanted to thank you immensely for a single piece of paper you gave me.

What paper? The one that explains the Sitting, Standing, Laying Down. You would not believe how much impact such a little thing can have. In the last 10 months I've also gone through some dark places; breakups, life changes, external stresses etc. I have taken a year off dating (officially) and focused on myself and on living with intention, passion and love of self; I've got 3 more months (until January 1st) to just continue this journey / path and I love every minute of it! I know exactly whose story I am in and what state I am in every step of the way. I have experienced significant successes in fitness, finance and fun! All because of a little piece of paper! Think Michael at -60lbs, fit, fun and focused! 

If there are any clients out there, who are like me (gruff men who aren't used to expressing feelings and can often feel overwhelmed by them when they do come to the surface), you should explain those steps to them. A life can change completely in less than a year and you can go from "not sure about the long term direction" to "in love with who they are". If they are serious about changing, or cutting away the useless shit/people/places in their lives, then they will adopt and commit to it!

If I can do it, ANYONE can!

Much Respect and Appreciation,



Get that piece of paper!

Mindful together. 

Join us for monthly (and free!) feisty soul circle calls to stay connected with the 3 little questions, 3 core principles, boundaries, closure, fun, applied mindfulness, and all the latest that Casey has to offer. 

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Applied MIndfulness 101 has 3 core principles that keep me grounded and moving forward in life-Check out the blogs and video course when you get a few minutes-it's free.

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Shame, fear and guilt...everyones favourite feelings to avoid but I am here to tell you why they can be your friends.

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