Casey Berard

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A Feisty Soul With a Resilient Spirit

The Official Story

Casey Berard is a passionate and compassionate Spiritual life teacher and coach who has been helping people with physical, mental and emotional wellbeing for more than 20 years. Her goal is to help others embrace suffering and love the ups and downs of life. She is a tour guide of the soul, creating formative and lasting change by reconnecting spirit, heads and hearts to the physical body through mindfulness and self-compassion.

Casey leads from a place of experience, coming from (and surviving!) her own lifelong journey through depression, anxiety, PTSD, major life changes and illness. She helps people using the same tools that have helped her: connection, love, and honour of our own and others’ paths. Though Casey specializes in helping women, she is expertly able to help anyone needing and wanting to let go of shame, feel better and find more meaning in their lives.

Casey studied philosophy, psychology, sexuality, nutrition and physiology at University of Guelph before training at the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she specialized in acupuncture. She continues to pursue spiritual learning and other professional development through a variety of teachers, courses and workshops, and self-instruction, and she is an established Reiki Master, Yoga teacher and Doula (now retired). Casey also uses her knowledge in chakra therapy, channelling, intuition, and constellations and ancestral work to help people on their journey to feeling better.

Casey is a master communicator, learning how to connect through non-violent communication and the work of industry experts including Brene Brown, Byron Katie, Marshall B. Rosenberg, and Pema Chodron. In her free time (of which there really isn’t much!) Casey loves to spend time with her two amazing children, go dancing with great friends, keep fit through walking the family dog "North", hula hooping and gardening (great for mind and body), and have incredible adventures that nurture her feisty soul.

The let's sit down and have a cup of tea together story!

I was born in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. The daughter of a mom who bravely came up to Canada during the Vietnam war and a teacher father who died in 2018. I currently live in Guelph, Ontario with my beautiful kids and energetic dog, North.

I have had more part-time jobs than I can remember including: McDonalds, movie theatre popcorn server, bra and fashion sales person, bartender, human resources, and flower shop! Oh and I babysat a lot!!

Professionally I have thrived as an acupuncturist, Spiritual Bodywork coach, Doula, yoga teacher, a Compassionate Life Coach and now Chakra therapist and Intuitive healer.

In 2012, my world got flipped turned upside down, do I need to quote the Fresh Prince? I seperated from my co-parent and wife, sold our home and homestead (we had a mini orchard in the city with a 3000 square foot garden), went from homeschooling to public schooling, grew out of acupuncture and into full time coaching, started dating men again, my co-parent moved over an hour away, healed Depression, killed fungus with a candida diet (whoot whoot!!), survived migraines and over 120 days of the kids being ill. 

2017/2018 was full of plot twists: my children's other parent was diagnosed with a terminal illness and triumphed beyond what medical professionals expected to live another 4 years. My father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died 10 months later just after my 4 year relationship ended and my beloved dog of 15 years died. you know 2020 turned the whole world upside down and ours too. There may have been more but that’s the fun, challenging, and heartbreaking stuff in a nutshell!!

In all of this equanimity prevailed. My spiritual beliefs and ability to be vulnerable and ask for help prevailed. I laughed hard and cried loudly. I loved openly and deeply. I lost and grieved regularly. I had my heart broken and broken open. I grew in ways I couldn’t have even imagined years ago. I played freely, hula hooped with my kids at the park, swam in the lake, had intimate fulfilling relations, and jumped into the unknown with a deep sense of surrender and grace.

Do you know how much I believe in this work and you?

Enough to connect for 30 minutes for free to see if this work and I would be a fit for what you are looking for. Whether  you are interested in chakra therapy, applied mindfulness, or spiritual bodywork, this initial session is perfect for testing the waters risk free. 



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