Chakra Therapy and Applied Mindfulness:


Stop Suffering and Live your life


A  journey into your mind, body and spirit to reclaim your truth, aliveness and resilience even when “shit hits the fan” in life.

Chakra Therapy and Applied Mindfulness sessions is the place to start!

The sessions might be helpful for you if you:

  • Love spirituality
  • Strive for personal growth and change
  • Have experienced big changes in your life
    • job loss, moving, selling a home, separation, divorce, birth of child, life transitions, family crisis, and death
  • Feel restless
  • Have had or are looking of help with anxiety, depression, post- traumatic stress, and Cptsd
  • You are highly sensitive
  • You are making peace with your family of origin 
  • You have or are separating or divorcing 
  • You long for more
  • You believe in a higher power, the Universe, God, Nature
  • You believe in synchronicity 
  • You are a parent
  • You are a single or solo parent
  • You are a person who longs to deeply connect with yourself and loved ones
  • You have a passion and love for life 
Book free consultation

Mindful Living Roadblocks

Do you have trouble saying no (and yes!) Do you wish you could clearly state your boundaries and dump your baggage? Does forgiveness sound good in theory? All these roadblocks put obstacles on your path. Let me help you remove them. 

New Skills for Feisty Souls

Too often we offer others what we need most: self compassion, kindness, self care, and releasing resentment. Do you want to be friends with yourself? Let go of the past? Let this month offer you what you need most in a guided and loving way. 

Closure with grace

Too often in life we skip very important steps: leaving the past in the past, feeling our grief and letting go of stories that hold us back are all important strategies to get you back in the now. Let me help you get closure easily and with oodles of compassion and love. 

New Beginnings

Fresh starts are amazing but often get clouded with past triggers, anxiety and distractions. Are you ready to start fresh and learn tools to keep you focused on your path? Do you want skills to help you embrace change and step out of your comfort zone? Are you ready to bloom?

Book an appointment

I lost myself in:

  •  my marriage, 
  • my career, 
  • my health and 
  • with my kids. 


on myself through extreme self care, chakras, and applied mindfulness shifted a lot for me. 

I learned and am still learning how to grow and expand as a woman, mom, lover, partner, and human. 

I have expanded my ability to stay in my own business, honour my being, and process my emotions not just be controlled by them. 

I stopped putting my creativity, joy and sexuality on the back burner. 

Learning my soul’s code. 

As a Chakra Therapist, and Applied Mindfulness coach I encourage you to stay on your Feisty Soul's path, and pursue what is calling you. 

Stay in your own business, enjoy the richness of connection around you, and living your life with love and enthusiasm. 

Schedule a session today!

Kind words:

"Casey is great at what she does in supporting people because she really walks the path and really practices what she preaches.

I've been in awe of her commitment over the years to really going into the hard places, having the difficult conversations and just finding the resilient spirit within herself through all the curve balls that life has thrown at her.

I'm very proud of her and I admire her strength and her ability to show up with equal currents of strength and vulnerability. I love her -she's awesome."

Shannon Kingsbury, Musician
Schedule your free consultation

“I won’t take you anyplace I haven’t been.” Casey

My Advanced Life Degrees include:

  • Depression
  • Job Loss
  • Anxiety
  • Divorce
  • Heart Break
  • PTSD, and Cptsd
  • Illness
  • Learning Differences
  • Neurodiversity 

And continuing and constant education in: 

  • Communication
  • Developmental Disabilities (different abilities)
  • Chronic Illness/pain
  • Hormones
  • Co-parenting
  • Solo parenthood
  • Raising grown ups
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Grief
  • Terminal Illness
  • Death
  • The Unknown
  • Fear

My friend's and client's comment all the time:

 “I don’t know how you do it?!”

I always look at them strangely and say, “what do you mean, do what?”

  • Are you ready  for the skills you need to make life doable even in the worst of circumstances? 
  • Are you a beautiful feisty soul who isn’t creating the life you want and ready to start?
  • Are you ready to fall in love with yourself?
  • Pursue your passions and define success on your own terms?
Book today

Personalized sessions just for you:

Do you feel like you have it all: the house, the partner, the kids, the job, the car and you are still not happy?

Do you feel alone and lost.
You wish someone could just hold space for you to be still without fear, shame or guilt scaring you from looking at your truth.

Are stuck in your life and can’t move forward.

Do you long to get clarity and focus?

Are you too smart for other therapists or coaches and dance circles around them. Do you want support from a coach who sees through that wall of protection.

Do you long for practical, intuitive, and spiritual feedback from your coaching sessions. Someone who can talk and walk brilliantly in Western Science, Eastern Philosphy, Sacred Sexuality, and Esoteric Spirituality!

Do you long to learn from someone who’s walked the path (heartache, divorce, job loss, trauma, neglect, self doubt, and more) and has a cellular memory of the wisdom: a companion, coach and guide who has been to the brink and back and grown stronger, more compassionate, and has healed and grown from their life’s challenges then Casey is the practitioner for you. 

Praise for Sessions with Casey

"Casey was so supportive in helping my eldest teen grow into her life. It was amazing because she was able to sleep better at night, she was able to develop some personal practices that she can use on a daily basis to help her deal with ongoing anxiety when it would come up with various things that come up in her life. She did better at school. It was really funny because so many of her friends ended up coming to her and asking her for advice and she was able to pass on some of the things that she learned with Casey."

K. Wilson.-Mother of teen client, and Spiritual Director


Praise for Sessions with Casey

"Even though I entered many of my first sessions with Casey, with hesitation, skepticism, and a lack of commitment to myself, nearly 3 years later, I still book sessions with Casey, for self, relationship and professional advice (and professional relationship advice).
She is a wealth of non-judgmental knowledge, and a great source for emotional rescue of a feisty soul."

Age 38
College Instructor 

Risk free initial consultation to see if this is for you

About Casey:

She is a feisty and compassionate life teacher who leads from experience and uses tools that have been tested by life’s fires-- quite literally. Specializing in life, love and struggle; Casey's goal is to help you stop suffering and love your life!

She will help you reconnect your head and your heart while soothing and grounding your soul.

She thrives as a tour guide of the soul and together you can create formative and lasting change while creating connection, love and honour on your own path and when connecting with others’.

Learn to live life gracefully even when life throws crap on your path. Process and rebalance after being hit hard with shame, fear and guilt. Gain spiritual and emotional strength and stamina with tools and strategies that help you grow your resiliency and focus.

Casey's 3 Core Principles can be learned for free and with no email registration required here.